HOPL IV Contributors
Role Type
Contributing to
Number of Roles
Results (74)
Andrew BlackBlack, Andrew Portland State UniversityUnited States |
Steve BlackburnBlackburn, Steve Australian National UniversityAustralia |
Kim BruceBruce, Kim Pomona CollegeUnited States |
Shigeru ChibaChiba, Shigeru The University of TokyoJapan |
Matthew FlattFlatt, Matthew University of Utah, USA |
Steve GolsonGolson, Steve Trilobyte SystemsUnited States |
Seif HaridiHaridi, Seif KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden |
Hansen HsuHsu, Hansen Computer History Museum |
Crista LopesLopes, Crista University of California, Irvine |
Mira MeziniMezini, Mira Technische Universität DarmstadtGermany |
Ana MilanovaMilanova, Ana Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteUnited States |
James NobleNoble, James Victoria University of WellingtonNew Zealand |
Tomas PetricekPetricek, Tomas University of KentUnited Kingdom |
Keshav PingaliPingali, Keshav The University of Texas at Austin |
John ReppyReppy, John University of Chicago, USA |
Barbara RyderRyder, Barbara Virginia TechUnited States |
Vijay SaraswatSaraswat, Vijay IBM TJ Watson Research Center |
Christian SchulteSchulte, Christian KTH Royal Institute of TechnologySweden |
Mary ShawShaw, Mary Carnegie Mellon University |
Yannis SmaragdakisSmaragdakis, Yannis University of Athens |
Guy L. Steele Jr.Steele Jr., Guy L. Oracle LabsUnited States |
Bjarne StroustrupStroustrup, Bjarne Morgan Stanley |
Stephanie WeirichWeirich, Stephanie University of Pennsylvania, USAUnited States |
Allen Wirfs-BrockWirfs-Brock, Allen Wirfs-Brock AssociatesUnited States |