Registered user since Wed 10 Mar 2021
Name:Rodrigo Bruno
I am currenty an Invited Assistant Professor at Técnico (University of Lisbon), and a Senior Researcher at Oracle Labs Zurich, working on GraalVM. Before, I was a Post-doc Researcher in the Systems Group, ETH Zurich, which I joined after receiving my PhD in CS from Técnico (University of Lisbon).
Most of my research focuses in the intersection between systems and programming languages. I am especially interested in optimizing language runtimes for cloud environments such as Microservices and Serverless. Besides language runtimes, I work on Operating Systems, and Parallel and Distributed Systems.
Affiliation:INESC-ID / IST, ULisboa
Personal website: https://rodrigo-bruno.github.io/
X (Twitter): https://x.com/__rodrigobruno
GitHub: https://github.com/rodrigo-bruno
Research interests:Language Runtimes, Compilers, Virtualization, Memory Management, Distributed Systems
PLDI 2021-profile
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